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Random Bits and Pieces

This happy guy sits on my front porch and greets visitors. I think he needs a name but nothing has struck me yet.  Any ideas? 

I love mums and their gorgeous colors. 

The golds, oranges, maroons, even the creamy whites... they are beautiful.  When I left for work this morning it was gray and dreary, but when I came home this afternoon the sun was shining and the fall colors were out in their glory, including my mums.

Did anyone watch NieNie on Oprah yesterday?  If you haven't visited her blog, head on over and read her incredible story.  She is a testament that miracles do happen... every day, to ordinary people like you and me.

How do you feel about Halloween?  I am not crazy about it.  I love the fall... everything about it... the smell of apples and things baking in the oven, the colors of changing leaves and the blue of the sky, the sounds of geese going south and leaves crunching under my feet, the feel of afghans and flannel sheets, the taste of homemade soups and bread and apple cider.
But Halloween?  Not a fan.

Thanks for dropping by.

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