(all 3 coats plus clear topcoat)
1. Spoiled Show Me the Money [has evaporated quite a bit]
2. Spoiled Use Protection
3. Spoiled Pet My Peacock [evaporated to the point I needed to use a lot of thinner to even be able to put it on this wheel]
4. Spoiled Trust Fund Baby
5. Spoiled Shuffle the Deck [looks like this has some bleeding glitter in it]
6. Spoiled Ants in My Pants
7. Spoiled Jewelry Heist [has some iridescent glitter in it that would have benefitted from layering over black]
8. Pop-arazzi Hit the Goldmine
9. Pop-arazzi Sparkle-fetti [interesting mix of small multi glitter in a controlled palette and larger holo hexes; I like it a lot]
10. Pop-arazzi Pageant Girl
11. Pop-arazzi Seeing Sparkles
12. Pop-arazzi Perfectly Peacock [like 7, would have benefitted from a dark base]
13. Pop-arazzi Never Too Rich
14. Pop-arazzi Star Shine
15. Pop-arazzi Yin Meets Yang (over peachy neutral base)
16. Urban Nails unlabeled (over peachy neutral base)
17. Urban Nails unlabeled [looks like this has some bleeding glitter in it; I like multi glitters but the balance in this one seems off to me, though maybe it looked better before the bleeding]
18. Bonita unlabeled [from the Jolly Nails set]
19. Bonita unlabeled [from the Jolly Nails set]
20. PXL Pixellated Color Pink Glitter [swatched earlier this year]
Bottles 1 through 4:
5 through 7:
8 through 11:
12 through 15:
16 through 20:
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