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Spring Is Right Around The Corner....Right??

We've had some warmer weather and sunny days...only to be plunged into deep freeze a few days later.  That is typical of spring here in Canada but thoe warm, sunny days are a taste of what is to come...at some point, anyway.  Here's to spring; whenever it arrives!

Stared with a base of Stella Chroma Recreaional Chemistry, two coats with a bit extra at the tips.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using Lina Born to Sail 01 using Painted Polish Blanc Slate for stripes and Lina 4 Seasons Spring 02 with Painted Polish Stamped in Rose.

Topped with KBShimmeer Clearly on Top.

Added dots for floral centers using Painted Polish Blanc Slate.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

 Thanks for looking!

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