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If GOD were to strike me dead, would I say that I had a good life.  Well, I wish I earned more money per week.  I currently work minimum wage.  I wish I had my own apartment instead of spending the rest of my life residing in my Mom's house.  First I have to repay my college student loans for attending but failing to graduate (I would've mentioned that I got a 3.0 grade point average, but then I'd have to apologize for that saying that I have yet to take any math classes beyond accounting and that would take too long) Franklin University.   Second, I'll have to dedicate the rest of my life raising enough money to retire from working minimum wage (Yeah right, as if that's ever going to happen).  Then I die of old age as a ninety year old slacker moocher Peter Pan still living in his Mom's house.  Yeah, I wish I were living a better life, but my hands are tied at this point.  It's easy to be discouraged, but I still have dreams of having my own apartment and not have that always regarded as an unnecessary luxury.
And as I'm lost in thought while surfing the Internet, here are some photos of Heather Graham.

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