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Let's Have More Love & Less Stuff All Year Round!

No matter your religion or lack thereof - this time of the year carries with it a strong message of kindness toward others! For some people this involves their spiritual beliefs, for others it simply marks the end of a year and a time to take stock and appreciate those around us. 
This special holiday season post is inspired by Planet Ark's message of "More Love, Less Stuff". Here are some of my tips to keep that spirit of loving kindness going all year round!

is for cruelty-free

Every day feels like Christmas when you're making life better for our animal friends! The Gift of Kindness is a beautiful book by Pam Ahern from Edgar's Mission and a great reminder of the wonders of a cruelty-free life
is for hope

With a little bit of thought your purchasing choices can bring hope to those in need and beauty to your life. By purchasing this funky flamingo tea towel from Arthouse Meath for instance, you're supporting artists with severe epilepsy and learning difficulties

 is for reduce, reuse and recycle
It's so easy for us to get trapped in a cycle of consumerism, so it can be a beautiful relief to shift our focus onto more sustainable options. One small step would be to cover gifts given throughout the year with reusable wrapping such as the lovely options from ecoChici

is for inspiring others

Beautiful ethical fashion can be a lovely subtle way to inspire those around us! This chic top by Vaute Couture - made from a blend of organic cotton, recycled polyester, and naturally occurring rayon - carries the message that elephants are our friends and not our entertainment
is for sustainable fashion choices

When you feel you can't avoid a new purchase there are so many amazing ethical online stores to make finding a sustainably chic option oh so easy! You can find most of them by searching Kindness by Design :)
is for taking action!

There's no need to wait for the holiday season to consider the welfare of those less fortunate than us! If there's a cause that's near and dear to your heart - why not find a way to take action? One thing I'll be doing in 2014 will be to participate in Fashion Revolution Day to shine a light on the humanitarian issues within the fashion industry
is for mindfulness

Have you ever been entranced by the wonder of a sunset? Completely engrossed in a conversation? Fully aware of the taste and texture of a piece of fruit? Being mindful of even the smallest of blessings can help you create a kinder life. I've just joined the Happier site which encourages people to share the things that make them smile
is for artisans

There are so many benefits to purchasing items handmade by artisans who are working under ethical conditions and are being paid a fair wage. Not only do you end up with a beautifully crafted product, you also have the opportunity to support: (1) traditional skills and cultural traditions; (2) empowerment and financial independence for women; (3) education and health for the wider local community. AfriBeads for example, brings you stunning jewellery from female artisans living in Uganda
is for saving our threatened species

Next time you buy something I invite you to ask - how does this purchase affect wildlife? I only recently learned that a rare mineral found in most mobile phones is being mined in precious gorilla habitat! It's amazing how deeply our lifestyle choices can have far reaching implications. Thankfully there are options out there that actually make a positive difference, like these Orangutan Project Thongs from Etiko. They're made under fairtrade conditions using sustainable materials AND proceeds go toward reintroducing orangutans back into the wild :)

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