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Celebrities at the premiere tape 'Jack Ryan: 'Shadow Recruit'

Chris Pine, Keira Knightley and Kevin Costner
On the eve of Hollywood night show dramatic thriller directed by Kenneth Branagh,"Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit". Present its new project last night came Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner and Chris Pine who performed in an exciting tape starring.

The film is set in Moscow: the protagonist, a financial analyst Jack Ryan, arrives in the Russian capital at the invitation of a mysterious billionaire. Seduced by interesting work and fabulous fees, Ryan agrees to take the order, but the outcome is the prime suspect in the terrorist organization conspiracy to bring down the U.S. economy ...

Russian viewers will also evaluate the work of well-known actors today - January 16 rolling out the painting "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit".

Keira Knightley and Chris Pine

Keira Knightley

Chris Pine

Christine Baumgartner and Kevin Costner

Kenneth Branagh
Alex Kingston
Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Gemma Chan

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