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Treasure Hunting: Plantiques and Village Thrift

I've always been a lethal combo of packrat + history buff so every few months, I get a big itch to go treasure-hunting. When I was a kid, I used to make my mother pay the entry fee to the antiques tent at the Virginia Highlands Festival and then I almost never bought anything. Living in Staunton, Va. didn't help either; I spent most of my downtime getting lost amongst the piles of antique scarves and stacks of LIFE magazines.

So today when I got the treasure-hunting itch, I had no idea where to go. I used to thrift a lot around Newport News in college, so I hopped into a few of those. But I also went to Plantiques in Hilton Village, a lovely antique store that rents each room to a different vendor (much like my other fave, 17 East Beverley Antiques in Staunton. The selection is perfect for the Anthropologie lover who's craving the real deal. While there, I spied:

A retro futuristic bread box, handily labeled as such.

This stack of mini tin trays with a sort of mod-meets-folk art bird motif. Very trendy, very now.

This awesome garden thingy. I seriously have no idea what its purpose is, but it was lovely.

And at Village Thrift on Warwick Avenue, a stack of '60s-era National Geographics. Get 'em while they're...collecting dust. 

Today I'm having my first dinner party, so stay tuned for pics from that. Also, I'll reveal what treasures I actually took home with me!

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