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The Big Bang Theory - Season 7, Episode 6 'The Romance Resonance' [Recap + Review]

Things took a turn for the romantic in the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory, and Penny wasn't exactly in her element. The episode kicks of in the gang's old spot, The Cheesecake Factory and Sheldon is 'in the zone,' working on a new project. Amy mentions that he could be doing anything and then mentions when he was making a list for a tree house fort - but she didn't make the cut. Poor Amy, the woman can't catch a break. Bernadette and Howard arrive and when Bernadette mentions that she was working with a raccoon virus and takes the opportunity to wash her hands, Howard announces that he is organizing a romantic surprise for Bernadette, to mark the anniversary of their first date. The gang all agree to help (bar Sheldon, who is too 'in the zone'). 

Penny, Leonard and Sheldon return to the apartment and Leonard says that Penny never does anything romantic for him, so she takes on the challenge and says she's going to think up something amazing. Of course, this is a bit of a struggle for Penny, who has never had to do anything romantic for anyone else before. Later on in Leonard's apartment, Sheldon discovers that the thing he's been working on has lead to the discovery of a new, stable, superheavy element and this makes him overcome with joy. It is later revealed that his discovery stands as some researchers in China have discovered the element based on Sheldon's work.

Sheldon is inundated with applause and rewards and initially, he is more than happy to accept them (such as a celebratory cookie that he stole off Leonard). Meanwhile, Penny has enlisted the help of Raj to try and come up with ideas for romantic gestures for Leonard, however, Raj isn't much help and can only come up with plots for romantic movies. 

In Sheldon's apartment, Amy and Sheldon are documenting items that he was using at the time of his discovery, until Sheldon realises he read the table wrong for his calculations, and that his discovery was based purely on chance and luck. Amy tries to console him saying his discovery still stands and that sometimes discoveries are a matter of luck, but Sheldon is inconsolable. 

At Caltech, Sheldon is still receiving vast amounts of praise, except this time he doesn't feel like he deserves it. He tries to get everyone to stop, but unlike Sheldon they don't really care about 'chance' as he still made the discovery. 

Back at Howard's special celebration for Bernadette, the guest of honour herself hasn't arrived yet. Whilst waiting, Amy agrees with Sheldon that his mistake was purely chance and scolds him for his discovery, which leads him to appreciate her even more and put her back on the list of members for his treehouse fort. 

Howard checks on Bernadette and discovers there has been an accident with the raccoon virus and Bernadette is in the hospital, but only as a precaution. Howard and the gang rush on over (with a reluctant Sheldon) and Howard performs his song to Bernadette who appreciates it greatly. Back at Penny's apartment and Penny is treating Leonard to a romantic evening. She leads him into her bedroom and hands him a copy of the first edition of a book he has always wanted, only for him to reveal that he already bought the book the first time he ever mentioned it, leading Penny to be visibly upset. She gets out a whole box of items that Leonard has gave to her and this surprise Leonard to know she has kept all of the things he ever gave her. This leads the two to reconcile and Leonard is happy with Penny's unwitting romantic gesture. 

Obviously, it being Penny, she has pregnancy tests in the box, as well as an 11-page thank you note from Leonard from the first time they had sex. Back at Sheldon's apartment, Amy and Sheldon are discussing his discovery and he reveals he has been distracted for ages because of Amy. She looks visibly stunned and he reveals he wants to kiss her on the mouth and as they move in to kiss, it is revealed Amy is having a day-dream. Sheldon looks visibly bewildered and asks Amy is she's ok, and she says she is in the zone, and the episode ends. This episode was particularly interesting as we got to see another side to Penny which shows she does care about her relationship to Leonard, and we also got to see some more classic Sheldon moments and smart remarks from Amy herself. It was also nice to see some more Bernadette in the episode, even if she was cornered off in a hospital room. The next episode is entitled 'The Proton Displacement' as we see the return of Professor Proton and a new TV scientist [Bill Nye]. So, did you enjoy last night's episode and what was your favourite bit?

Review and recap by Mel. 

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