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I'm Moving + LIfe Update!

GUYS. I somehow let this slip through the cracks of things I wanted to share with you all and I can't believe it's taken me until the week before to announce it to you all... 


I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program
*Forewarning, this is a lengthy post. I suggest grabbing a snack or some wine*

Happy Monday friends!

If you all follow me on Twitter then you may have seen that I hinted that I may or may not be moving soon. I have already announced the news on my personal Facebook and many of those who know me personally have already known the news for a few months now, but I'm here to officially announce that I have accepted an internship position with Walt Disney World!

Yep. I'm going to be moving to the sunshine state, but only temporarily. 

I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program
I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program

To say I have mixed feelings about the whole situation is an understatement. Lemme explain.

When I first applied for the Disney college program in August I was beyond excited about the opportunity but thought realistically that my chances of getting in were slim. A few emails later and the next thing you know it I'm having a phone interview with WDW. 

TBH that was the most comfortable I've ever felt doing an interview, which if you know me says A LOT. A week or two passes and I didn't think much of it. One night while I was dog-sitting for my cousin I opened up an email and right there in plain black and white texts, I saw the words "Congratulations" and was in disbelief. I got in. 

I texted RJ, called my dad, and told my cousins. I was thrilled and shortly after I found out a friend from high school had gotten in as well. All I had to do next was to confirm my acceptance within the next week and I was all set. Easy enough, right?

But for some reason, something in the back of my mind was holding me back from hitting yes. 

I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program
I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program

When I got my acceptance letter from Disney I was right in the middle of applying for full-time jobs and trying to get my foot into the door to start my career. Is Disney the right choice? What happens after the internship? Worrying about when and where I'm going to find my "big girl" job terrified me and I was scared of making the wrong discussion by accepting the position. 

After much thought, I finally decided to submit the down payment for the program and accepted 2 hours before the deadline. I figured if I get a job between now and then or if something comes up, the investment for the program would just be a small price to pay. 

I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program
I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program

The months continued to fly by and as more and more people found out about my internship the more questions I kept getting about if I was excited or not. Sure, it is a once and a lifetime experience, but it seems like everyone else was more excited about me having this experience than I was. I had always envisioned the timeline of my life would be school, graduate, get a job after college, start a family, the end. Typical, am I right? I didn't think a Disney Internship after college would fit in when I should be done with interning and start working towards building my career.  

It really wasn't until a couple weeks ago I finally got excited about the program. It finally hit me, there's really no "right" way to do life. There isn't a set timeline you have to follow or the right path to take for a successful life. At the end of the day, our time here is SO short and as cliche as that sounds, it's so true. 

I realized I need to take a step back a little and stop thinking about what I'm going to be doing this September and focus on what I have in front of me. Some people don't have their careers started until their late 30s and others have built a business empire by the time they're 18. I realized I need to stop looking at what others have been doing with their lives and focus on the best way to map mine. At this point in time if Disney is part of my timeline then so be it.

I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program

So here's to moving (temporarily, ie 4 months!) to a new state, to meeting new people, to creating new memories and taking on new experiences with open arms. I'm so excited to begin to share my journey with you all!

Also, as for the blog. I guess it goes without saying that I'm not sure what to expect as far as consistency of content. I may cut back to post twice a week on here because I do want to document my time in Disney, but at the same time make the most of my time in the Sunshine State. So please bear with me as I figure all of that out! 

I'm Moving + Life Update | Moving to Disney | Disney College Program

Let me know below if you have any questions about DCP, posts you'd like to see on it, or if you did/are doing the program yourself! I'd love to help as many of you as I can out! I hope you all have a wonderful day and as ALWAYS thank you so much for reading!


*ps shout out to you all who sat and read this entire thing. You guys are the real MVPs. 

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